Kitty Self

Production Assistant

Kitty has played a variety of roles for Reflective Life Ministries since 2008— editing Carla’s book and other materials, attending speaking engagements or retreats with Carla, and helping wherever she can. Her “job” with Stronger is arranging film shootings to accommodate people’s schedules and providing lots of food to keep everyone going through some long filming sessions.

After her husband died in December, 2007, she retired from her position as president of a local chamber of commerce and joined the RLM team within a couple of months. “I was immediately embraced by Carla and the RLM family, and the support and direction these friends offer every day, in so many ways, is greatly appreciated!”

Kitty has a son and daughter-in-law and a daughter and son-in-law who have given her a total of five wonderful grandkids. Being part of their lives is very important to her. She has attended Faith Bible Church, where she met the core group of RLM, since1983.

“This movie about PTSD hits home because I was an Air Force brat and a Navy wife. Thankfully, my loved ones didn’t experience the trauma so many men and women returning home from past or present wars did and still do. But I am familiar enough with it to eagerly participate in the making of this film, which provides hope and encouragement to those broken, hurting men and women. The learning curve has been eye opening, especially the realization that many people outside of the military are going through their own debilitating trauma. We want this movie to bring awareness as well as hope in Christ.”